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hermes plays hard to get bags replica gucci Sometimes, we need a little bit more than just poetry and music. Sometimes we have the urge to witness a wild eyed man with one sweater sleeve missing shove pieces of paper into a coconut and then set it on fire all while someone yells about why bird porn is a serious issue. The 16th Mission Poetry Slam is the place to see uncensored local performing arts. There also isn't a sign up sheet if you want to perform you run into the chalk circle and claim your spot (more than one person means rock paper scissors.) This slam is a delicious ball of music, poetry, performance art, and eccentric misfits. We do feel obligated to give a friendly warning to the faint of heart; the slam can get a little hectic, there was an arrest the last time we attended. Yet if you're looking for a local fix of art , here it is, flaming coconuts and all. bags replica gucci high ...